Thursday, May 18, 2006

Little Baloo is getting bigger. Last night and again this morning she met some new people as we walked around the neighborhood. Tomorrow she will go on a "socializing field trip" to my office where she'll meet several adults. So far she is doing great when she meets new people. Tomorrow is a big test. It will be the first time Baloo and Jazz (my 12 year old alpha dog) interact without restraint. It's time. Jazz has gotten accustomed to Baloo's presence and I don't think she'll overreact to I plan to wear Baloo out a bit before the official unrestrained introduction. Hopefully all will go well, because keeping Jazz and Baloo separate is time consuming. I don't expect them to be best buddies yet (though Baloo already idolizes Jazz from afar). Tolerance is what I'm hoping for.

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